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A new breed of urbanite is beginning to make its way into our cities and no, 它不是下一个千年亚文化, I’m referring to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – more commonly known as Drones. 小型无人机, those weighing under 55 lbs (25 Kg) will soon be easier for businesses to use thanks to new FAA...




A new breed of urbanite is beginning to make its way into our cities and no, 它不是下一个千年亚文化, I’m referring to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – more commonly known as Drones. 小型无人机, those weighing under 55 lbs (25 Kg) will soon be easier for businesses to use thanks to new FAA regulations being issued in August. Currently, businesses need to present their reason for drone usage to the FAA on a 具体问题具体分析这可能成本高昂,需要几个月的时间才能完成. Many smaller firms work with third-party service providers that help navigate the legalities of drone usage which greatly lessens the time and expense that comes with approval for the new technology. Although the new laws will only permit drone usage within the Visual-Line-Of-Sight (VLOS) of its operators; placing a hindrance on many consumer retail initiatives, 对于企业家和企业来说,机会是巨大的.

Insurance, A/E/C, and photography are three industries primed for growth in drone usage. Three major insurers, AIG, State Farm, and USAA have already been approved for the use of 用于检查的无人机. Industrial inspection is expected to be at the forefront of drone usage, for things like surveying or admitting access to places that may otherwise be unsafe or unreachable.

在建筑领域的应用包括场地分析, 将照片拼接成3D地图, monitoring construction site progress and producing photography of completed projects. 沿着这条线索, there is significant opportunity for growth in real estate and aerial photography, 无人机将在哪些方面帮助制作营销材料. 无人机用于日常商业服务还很遥远, however assuming the rate of technological development and that societal acceptance for the emerging technology continues, 人们可以推断, 在未来, our levitating neighbors will handle tasks from the delivery of goods to window cleaning.


Low cost aerial photography and rapid delivery are to opportunities facilitated by drones

To adapt to services and transportation deployed at varying heights, 城市必须开始发展必要的 为我们的飞行朋友提供基础设施. Cities planned solely for ground vehicles will need to be re-adapted and provide visual cues for drones so that they may navigate around tall buildings and conduct autonomous operations based on their programming. Only then, will we be able to benefit fully from this exciting new technology.

Autonomous flying service providers that offer services that mesh with the needs current and future city inhabitants may still be several years off. 然而, the FAA is working to bring ubiquitous regulations regarding commercial drone usage as quickly as possible in order to make the transition seamless when the time comes. These new regulations will continue to shape and advance current industries. Those who are anxiously waiting for the end of the summer to begin experimenting with commercial drone capabilities are encouraged to download the FAA’s app B4UFLY, which lets operators know where it is safe to control drones.
