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尽管他们很受欢迎, mobile GPS applications still leave plenty of room for confusion, particularly in unfamiliar places when 使用rs 需要 them most. Programs such as Google Maps guide 使用rs 从 an aerial level, or render an ambiguously geometric and digitized world at best. What if map services were able to provide navigation 从 a 使用r’s...

通过TH!NK by IBI



尽管他们很受欢迎, mobile GPS applications still leave plenty of room for confusion, particularly in unfamiliar places when 使用rs 需要 them most. Programs such as Google Maps guide 使用rs 从 an aerial level, or render an ambiguously geometric and digitized world at best. What if map services were able to provide navigation 从 a 使用r’s point of view and accurately reference the world around them?




As augmented reality systems improve, this highly accurate wayfinding service is not far off. 以下应用程序 基于“增大化现实”技术的城市 使用 计算机视觉技术 that allows 3D geospatial information to interact with the 使用r’s environment.  Colourful arrows and pathways display clear paths on 使用r’s mobile screens, 覆盖在他们周围的世界之上.

除了导航服务, 基于“增大化现实”技术的城市 also wants to provide people with the ability to discover new places. 在城市里散步的时候, 用户生成的评论将出现在屏幕上, giving people the opportunity to learn more about their surroundings.

但是flalneur到底发生了什么? 有 有很多话要说 for the act of wandering and learning through discovery and surprise. 这项技术会帮助旅行者获得当地的独家新闻吗, or lead to information overload and over-dependency on our phones to get around? While navigation technology can be helpful, these services may hinder our 空间映射能力 如果我们从未真正 需要 来了解我们到底在哪里. As AR technology can tell us where we want to go and blur out the rest, it’s important to think about the other functions of our streets and sidewalks beyond narrow-visioned transportation networks. 城市街道提供 基本的机会 for spontaneous interaction which must be supported for to the social wellness and joy of our cities.

阿尔文剧院-历史悠久的纽约-增强现实照片Membit on Vimeo.


Another way that AR can help people learn about their environment is through enhancing shared experiences. Membit, 地理空间照片分享应用, provides 使用rs with the ability to geo-tag images and leave them for others to enjoy. 虽然这个应用程序可以作为社交媒体的一种形式, 它也为教育提供了巨大的机会. Users can upload historical “membits” to a specific location which could lead to greater contextual understanding of place, 通过有导游的徒步旅行等项目.

再进一步, what if this technology could also be 使用d as a means of collective healing and restorative justice? 城市经常 丰富的 in painful histories that are either erased or ignored as a means of “moving forward”. 虽然很痛苦, historical traumas such as war and natural disasters force us to re-build and re-define our cities in pivotal ways. 为那些在这些不公正中受到最大伤害的人, navigating through altered space can ca使用 great pain when historical landscapes are replaced with new streetscapes. Memory sharing apps like Membit could be 使用d as a way for people to upload stories and images of their experiences and 使用 augmented reality as a tool for collective healing.



As augmented reality blurs the borders of the “real world” it’s timely to reflect upon our experiences of what’s around us. Will advances in AR to help us see clearer, or leave us blinded 从 the world around us?


图像中 Abandonalia 通过 Flickr.
