What COP21 Means to Urban Planners
通过TH!NK by IBI
2016年4月21日在漫漫长夜之后, 激烈的谈判, and ultimately the most important international climate deal in history, it’s time to get to work. 首页 to the majority of the world’s population, and with about 1/3 of the carbon budget to stay under 2 degrees, cities have a big role to play. But how will they achieve this? 下一个城市 提供了一个 review of key issues and opportunities for resilience, 规模经济, 融资, cooperation among multiple levels of government and with the private sector. There’s a great deal of work that needs to be done for cities to fulfill their role in CO2 reductions, 也在 适应气候变化. Climate change presents serious risks to many cities, but for the committed and creative, also presents opportunities to build cities better.